

Where did the name Dorcas come from?
Dorcas was a believer in the early church, described in Acts 9:36-42. In vs. 36, she is described as a woman “who was always doing good and helping the poor.” What a wonderful epitaph to have! Because of God’s miracle in the life of Dorcas, many people believed on the Lord (vs. 42).

What will the Dorcas Sewing Circle be doing?
We will primarily be doing sewing projects for local ministries and charities. We may add projects for knitting or crocheting in the future. If there are needs in our own church body or if some of our missionaries have needs in their overseas ministries, we will also try to meet those needs. Primarily, though, we want to use the gifts God has given us to show love to those in our community who are in need.

Who can join?
Any member or frequent visitor of BCLR can join.  If you can sew or would like to donate cuts of fabric to be used for the projects, there is a place for everyone in the sewing circle. We welcome young girls, senior saints, and everyone in between!

Do I have to attend the meetings to participate?
Not at all! Although we’d love to be able to fellowship with one another while we sew, you are welcome to do the projects on your own and turn them in whenever you finish them.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Jennifer.