
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Project 5: Walker Bags for Valley Ranch Nursing Home

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
(James 1:27)

For the next few sewing circles, I wanted to focus on meeting the needs of orphans and widows. This month, we will focus on widows (and other elderly people) by making walker and wheelchair bags for the residents of nearby Valley Ranch Nursing Center.

Here are a few photo examples of the kind of bags we're talking about:

You can use any pattern you'd like for the bags. However, Mae has a tried-and-true pattern that she has used in the past with great success. She has also graciously offered to supply all of the material we will need (fabric, zippers, and Velcro) from her "stash." (Remember how I told you you would get to clean out your crafty closet? Well, it turns out I was only talking to Mae! Sorry. You'll have to wait for next month's project.)

If you're making these on your own, Mae and I will be putting together some "kits" with fabric and instructions. If you'd like to take some of those kits home to work on, just let us know how many you think you will be able to complete. However, feel free to use your own pattern and fabric if you already have some that you prefer to use.

I'm really excited for this fun opportunity to bless the nearby seniors at Valley Ranch Nursing Home. I hope to see you all on Sunday, February 13th!

1 comment:

Henri said...

Does Mae sell this tried-and-true pattern? My mother wants me to make something like this for her and I have searched all over the internet for a tutorial.